Sri Rama Navami is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Rama, who killed the demon king Ravana. Along with the Vaisnavas, who celebrate it with due solemnity, Ramnavami is celebrated all over the Country on India.
Fasting the norm of the day, and the general belief is that it is a sin not to fast this day. It is also believed that Lord Rama fulfills wishes of all those who fasts and pray to Him on this day. The fast is broken on midnight, generally with fruits and fruit extracts.
Since Lord Rama is an incarnation of God Vishnu, one of the triplets of Hindu mythology, the worship typically comprises Vedicmantras dedicated to Lord Vishnu, and offerings in from of fruits and flowers to Him. The Hindi speaking belt of Country organises satsangs-public gatherings to commemorate the festival. Excerpts from Ramcharitamanas, a book on glory,a chievements and powers of Rama, are recited. People of all castes and creed gather together to listen to these scriptures, which may continue well past midnight.
Ramanavami encourages equility and universal brotherhood.
Ayodhya, the birth place of Lord Rama, is the focus of attention in this festival. A grand fair continues for two days,a nd rathyatras, carrying mainfestations of Ram, his brother Laxman, His wife Sita, and His greatest devotee Mahavir hanuman, is taken out from almost all ram temples. Hanuman is known for is undivided attention to Rama, and tales of his devotion form an important part of the celebration.
The date of Ramanavami dates back to the pre-christian era, (as Hinduism is the oldest religion of the World), and mention of Ramanavami is found in the Kalika Puran. In olden times, when caste system was prevelant, Ramanavami was one of the festivals that the lower castes were allowed to celebrate.
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